
Cosmic Blue Ray - Water Elelmental (24 Images )

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Cosmic Blue Ray - Water Elelmental (24 Images )


The Cosmic Blue Ray - Water Elemental Set

By Kelley Butterfly Springer 

21 Images (300 dpi) Image Size: 3inX5.337in

Each moment we are being moved by Water within and all around us with life. Life and water are linked for with out water we truly could not be here.

Water is a big part of being who we are. Water is the largest percentage of our body. Water is the elemental flow and connection to emotion in our body. We are feelers more than we realize, our emotional body connects to water. As a healer I have learned that all the animals that live in water help us with emotion. Such as Dolphins and Whales, great pure hearts these beings of the sea give us so much love.

Like wise our own connection and consciousness to water can help you with emotion. Think about how taking a bath can be so soothing and calming. Or simply soaking your feet or swimming in a river can rejuvenate your very being. The Ocean beautiful and deep full of mystery reflects our connection to the moon and tide and with it our rise and fall of emotion within ourselves. Let water wash over you as you play with these Water Elemental Light Language-Art Images.


You can view these images to work with them or print them out to have as a set. Enjoy playing with the power of your own inner knowing. Practicing receiving a message from each image can be fun and playful. You can do this individually or with a group for fun. Children love to play with these images. I have had fun with groups Inviting them to look into an image then to feel water, then become the water, move like water and sound like water. Then draw water. This as an exercise can open up and inspire creativity, in a naturally inspiring flowing way. Our own intuitive knowing souls light will know how to dance with these images, let go and have fun!

Intuitive Meditation Practice with Images

Quite yourself and get ready to be still. Clear your mind for a meditation and begin by focusing on the image you have chosen. Look at the image for several moment and then invite the symbol to give you it's message.

Now close your eyes and receive into your heart the message of the Image. Listening with your heart and notice what subtle body energy you feel moving. Notice what is being awakened or inspired within your awareness. If it feels important write it down in a journal. If you feel like moving get up and move. If you feel like singing, sing, draw, paint or express yourself how ever you feel inspired to do so. These images often awaken love and light within you as they are meant to bring you Light, Love and Joy.

What inspired me to create Light Language-Art?

By Kelley Butterfly Springer

This story about light that actually belongs to us all, I want to say is about the awareness that lives inside of each of us. This natural source of light our souls illumination is light shining within it’s own awareness of you and expressing you all the time. Your knowing self is alive yet often we take it for granted or forget to play with our souls knowing.

I have been an Intuitive teacher for the past 30 years. Art to me is one of the most natural places to let ourselves be free to express from our intuitive selves. As an Intuitive artist I began to draw these symbols. Then I began to paint them in my art work. I kept noticing their was something evolving for me with them. Then one day I found a tool that would let me draw them with light and I suddenly could bring them to life in new ways. The joy I felt was overwhelming.

My love of life and intuitive playfulness is what guided me to make, Light Language-Art images. I see these symbols as a language of light that speaks from a higher place from inside my soul. The angelic song of the spheres can be heard, in my heart these images or symbols are what that song would look like. If Angels could write their song down for you perhaps it would look just like this.

Each symbol has meaning although I try not to assign meaning to them. I find that they are speaking to us in their own way and need no interpretation that limits them. I invite you to began to explore them as a tool for your own intuitive listening and expression.

Each symbol will give you information about you. You can use your own intuitive knowing to listen. Then I invite you to play by letting the symbol inspire you to sing, dance or write what you are feeling.

I have practiced using these with children and adults.  All find them fun and playful and enjoyed waking up some part of their creative selves. Children can tell you what they mean, while adults open up and discover they can sing or suddenly dance after not moving or letting their voice be heard. They are naturally healing and inspiring and I hope that they bring you Light, Love and JOY!


Kelley Butterfly

© 2018 Kelley Butterfly Springer, all right reserved. You may make a print of these images for yourself. Images can not be used in ad's or marketing for yourself or any other promotional images for marketing products of any kind. No posting images on Media with out permission from Kelley Butterfly Springer. No publishing or printing on articles of any kind with out permission. Thank you for honoring my creations. 

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